The first wild card entry in ‘Bigg Boss Tamil 5‘ is happening this week or next week and it is said that popular television actor and anchor Sanjeev has been roped in. Akshara Reddy is going to refresh herself in the latest episode of Bigg Boss Tamil 5. She was Pavani Reddy, who was making decisions at home this week, took a jibe at Akshara. Pavani asks Sibi to give a task to Akshara. There has been a big fight between Akshara and Sibi in the past as well. So, Akshara was not happy when Pavani tried this prank with her.
Earlier Nirup used to punish Pavani and others repeatedly. Hence, Pavani wanted to score with him. He tasked Nirup with 40 squats and then did 50 rounds in the living area. He was furious at his command. Meanwhile, Pavani shares that she will punish him at the end of the day. This enraged Niroop who lost his cool and started arguing with Pavani.
Meanwhile, Pavani asks Akshara to make 50 rounds in the living area. Pavani’s repeated interference led to a heated argument between the two. The luxury budget task ‘Nayam Bommai, Nanum Bommai, Theriyum Unmai’ came to an end and Nirup emerged the winner of the task. Iykki Berry helped him win the task.
Fans of ‘Bigg Boss 5’ Tamil hosted by Kamal Haasan are eager to know who will be evicted from the house. We have information that it is going to be one of the three contestants named Pavani, Abhinay, and Madhumita who have secured the least votes among the remaining fourteen contestants. The wild card entry is happening this week or next week and it is said that popular television actor and anchor Sanjeev has been selected.
It is well known that Sanjeev, who is a veteran in the television circuit with a fan following of his own, is one of Thalapathy Vijay’s closest friends. It will be interesting to see him in ‘Bigg Boss 5’ and fans of Thalapathy can get some unknown information about his idol through him. We’ll have to wait and see what happens next.
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