Abhijeet has turned out to be the strongest contender in the Bigg Boss 4 Telugu house. He has been facing all the ups and downs calmly and independently in the Bigg Boss Telugu 4 house.
Abhijeet shares a good relation with Harika and Lasya in the house. The Bigg Boss journey of Abhijeet has been going great till now but suddenly reports of Abhijeet getting eliminated in the next elimination have started spreading.
We still don’t have a firm report regarding this. It is still a rumour. But it is going to be interesting to see what happens in the next elimination round of Bigg Boss Telugu Season 4.
Click here to check the Bigg Boss 4 Telugu Vote results.
The show has come to its final few weeks and is becoming more & more interesting with every episode progressing.
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Eliminate abijith pogaru ekkuvayyindhi
No.abhi should not be eliminated
Yes, you are correct
Abhijeet ki aa pogare plus point and strength….
If abhijit eliminated then every one called this is a fake show. Because he was on top. Mehboob is there weak contestants according to voting
Yes mehboob is also week contest. But title winner ki abijith correct kadu. I think ariyana is strongest contest. I.e, more than abijith
Yes mehboob is also weak contest
Title winner abhijit kaadu
May be Ariyana or Akhil….
If abhi eliminated then everyone have a wrong opinion for bb show..
No one watch the show
Title win aeyye avakasam abijith ki evvaddhu.
40% votes tho first place lo vunte eliminate antira pulka?????
Ariyana, being a lady, she is playing well. She is better than Abhijit
Aravadam, pichiga behave cheyyadam no playing antara…!!!
If abhijeet nominated…BIG BOSS show is fake @scripted……
Bigboss is fake script. I.e not real. I.e people vote+bigboss vote=bigboss4th season.
All fools are voting for Abhijit many of the viewers don’t know exactly what is the concept of BB. Imagine if all contestants every day sit in a chair drinking coffee and chichating like what Abhijith does everyday, than what footage of 60 mins will BB show to us daily.
Abhijit eliminate aithay big boss pucha pagalagodatha
Yahh bro fake ithundi mala
Abhijeet is not fake . He is same as from the first day . It is not easy to accept this show if Abhijeet gets elliminated.
Ariyana is playing well. So plz watching.
No Abhijeet should not be eliminated, as he should be considered as a winner.
IF For some reason ABHIJEET gets elimnat6ed….. FANS will be up in arms…..BIG BOSS-4 will get its TRP ratings further down…down…
The only saving grace for BB-4 is ABHIJEET…..He is miles,miles,miles ahead verses rest of the other contestantsIt’s even ridiculous to think ABHIJEET getting eliminated..
Also NAGARJUN is losing his sheen…..Not been anchoring the progr. with the CHARM he had earlier…. Has AGE CAUGHT up with NAGARJUN….