Aarohi Rao is among the contestants who were nominated for expulsion during the week, and got a small number of votes. Aarohi Rao is the third female contestant to have left the house after Abhinashree, Neha Choudhary. She is a TV personality. She appears in a TV9 show.
The real drama is yet to be seen in ‘Bigg Boss Telugu 6‘. The show is slowly gaining momentum. Contestants are getting different tasks. But there’s one big dramatic moment everyone needs to be talking about this season.
Aarohi’s elimination is unexpected by the viewers of Bigg Boss Telugu 6 as she was playing a love track with RJ Suriya from the second week. A section of the audience was irked by his tracks, romance and unnecessary drama. They say that they are happy with Aarohi’s elimination and RJ Surya can play his game. Anyway, Aarohi gave her best to impress the audience but her love track with RJ Suriya was short where she got distracted in the game.
Aarohi said that she still cannot believe her elimination and said that it is the decision of the public. Responding to a reporter’s question, Aarohi said that there is nothing between her and RJ Surya and added that they have a good friendship.
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